
Monday, February 28, 2011

Kagamine Rin/Len Append Power - Karakuri卍Burst (English Translation)

Yeah, akhirnya ketemu juga terjemahan Inggrisnya ^^
Karakuri卍Burst sendiri kalo diartiin artinya Puppet卍Burst. Karakuri emang artinya boneka yang bisa digerakkin, atau arti kiasannya, orang yang mematuhi perintah orang lain dengan amat sangat patuh (semacem blind fate/iman buta). Oiya, di lagu ini juga ada "Karakuta", kata ini diambil dari "Kalakuta Republic", sebuah komunitas yang dimiliki oleh aktivis HAM Nigeria dan musisi Fela Kuti. Komunitas ini dibubarkan karena Kuti dalam lagunya yang berjudul "Zombie", mengkritik pemerintah militer Nigeria yang korup dan membuat para tentara seperti "zombie", hanya mematuhi pemerintah tanpa bisa melihat hal yang sebenarnya terjadi.

Kalo dihubungkan sama lagu ini, mungkin iman butanya Rin pada Miku? XDDDDDD
Inti cerita lagu ini sih gini: Rin n Len tadinya bareng, terus dipisah. Rin jadi bawahannya Miku, sementara Len gabung ke pasukan yang (kayaknya) merupakan musuhnya Miku. Sebelumnya udah pernah gw post di sini dan di sini ^^


Music: Hitoshizuku-P & Yama△
Lyrics: Hitoshizuku-P
Illustration: Suzunosuke
Mix: Yama△

nemuranai machi no mannaka de tachidomatte sa
osaerarenai kono shoudou?
furi yattsu guchi ni kakushiteru nuki mi no kyouki o
chotto tame sasete hoshii no

just stay? jikoku wa ushimitsu toki
akaku akaku somaru yoku o
hakidashite hikigane o hiitara
kirei na aka ni somaru yubi

kowashite, kowashite
tarinai yo? ta ri na i
mitasarenai hakai shoudou
moroi moroi moroi hito nante
shosen wa suterareta karakuri
“nan no tame ni tsukurareta no?” tte iu
sore oshiete yo?

“guuzen” nante koto wa okoranai
shiro to kuro de hedaterareta subete no zen / aku
hajime kara zenbu kimatte iru
sujigaki douri ni hidarite naraseba shukusei

just stay? jikoku wa ushimitsu toki
karitoru wa subete no “aku”
nogare rarenaize? chi no hate made, oitsume
chirisura nokosanai

kowashite, kowashite
subete o hai jo su ru
owaranai hakai koudou
kiero kiero kiero aku subete
shosen wa ochibureta karakuta
“nan no tame ni, ikashite oku?” tte iu
sore oshiete yaru

kowashite, kowashite
tarinai yo? ta ri na i
mitasarenai hakai shoudou
moroi moroi moroi hito nante
shosen wa suterareta karakuri
“nan no tame ni tsukurareta no?” tte iu
sore oshiete yo?

kowashite, kowashite
subete o hai jo su ru
owaranai hakai koudou
kiero kiero kiero AKU subete
shosen wa ochibureta karakuta
“nan no tame ni, ikashite oku?” tte iu
sore oshiete yaru


Standing still in the middle of the sleepless town,
am I unable to suppress this impulse of mine?
Just for a little while, please be the testing subject
for the frenzy of this drawn sword hidden in my long sleeve.

Just stay? It's 3 o'clock in the morning.
As I ventilate my crimson-stained desires
and pull the trigger in my hand,
my fingers also become dyed in brilliant red.

Destroy! Destroy!
Destroy more! MORE!
I have an insatiable thirst for destruction.
The brittle, fragile, frail humans are,
after all, nothing more than discarded puppets.
"For what purpose was I created?"
Please tell me the answer?

There are no such things as "coincidences".
Everything, either good or evil by a black-or-white definition,
has been pre-labeled from the very beginning.
Follow the script: when I snap my left fingers, eradicate the evil!

Just stay? It's 3 o'clock in the morning.
I hunt and capture all the "evil",
letting none escape. I'll chase them to the end of the earth,
until not even a speckle of their ash remains.
Destroy! Destroy!
I will eliminate ALL!
There is no end to this destruction.
Perish! Vanish! Die! All the evildoers are,
after all, nothing more than zombies that blindly follow orders.
"For what purpose are you living right now?"
I will tell you the answer!
Destroy! Destroy!
Destroy more! MORE!
I have an insatiable thirst for destruction.
The fragile, brittle, frail humans are,
after all, nothing more than discarded puppets.
"For what purpose was I created?"
Please tell me the answer?
Destroy! Destroy!
I will eliminate ALL!
There is no end to this destruction.
Perish! Vanish! Die! All the evildoers are,
after all, nothing more than zombies that blindly follow orders.
"For what purpose are you living right now?"
I will tell you the answer!
Translated by animeyay, transliterated by xRiikox


  1. eh, aku jga otaku loooh :D
    aku jga ska Vocaloid, terutama Len Kagamine. (^v^)
    di lagu ini jga len bersekongkol dengan kaito untuk mengalahkan Rin dan Miku... apa hubungan Len-Kaito sama dengan hubungan Rin-Miku?? thanks \(-3-)/

  2. kyaaa~ webclap rin kagaminenya lucu... gimana sih cara bikinnya? thx :D

  3. Otaku juga ya? >.<
    Thanks ya, udah mampir di blog ini ^^

    Ya, kira-kira hubungannya sama. Hubungan atasan-bawahan gitu ^^;

    Webclapnya? Bikin akun dulu di sini:

    Baru webclap di sini:

    Itu pake nihongo tapinya ^^;

  4. gomen deh neechan... abisnya aku dlu ngga tau kalo itu blognya cc... udh aku hapus ko postinganya...

  5. Lain kali, kalo emang copas kasih credit ke yg tulis ya...
