
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, & GUMI - pray for

Well, I just know this from Shashie-senpai's blog and I also love this song. Finally, Vocaloid composers take an action, this special song is dedicated to all Japanese people whom just been hit by earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear reaction. This is also a song for those who pray for Japan (and other places)! This song really win my heart! >.<
Japan, we're here with you!!!!!

Dakara, ganbatte Nihon!!!!!
Hitori janai yo!!!!!!!!

pray for

Composer & lyrics: Pray For Japan
Vocal: Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, & GUMI

boku no inori wa todoiterukai?
kimi no tokoro e todoiterukai?

kono koe ga todokanai to no iu nara

kmi no tame ni boku wa inorou

kurai kurai yami no naka de
me wo harashite tatazumu kimi

fuan wa kitto nete nain darou?

kowakute sotta naite tan darou?

kijou ni furumau yuutousei
sono ito ga ima ni mo kire sou da

hyaku yon juu moji no boku no inori wo

kimi ni sotto sasageru yo

boku no koe wa todokanai
boku no te sae todokanai

dakara boku wa inorun da

sora ni, hoshi ni, kami ni, kimi ni

sora ni inoru yo
hoshi ni mo inoru yo

kamisama ni mo inoru yo

kimi ni todoku no nara

hitori janai
minna tsunagatteru kara
mienai dake da yo
dakara mae wo muite

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Nendoroid 84: Ryougi Shiki

Selain figma, gw juga beli Nendoroid Ryougi Shiki. Sekarang Nendoroid satu ini juga udah lumayan langka, dan gw salah satu orang beruntung yang dapet dia dengan harga waras: IDR 400.000, cuma lebih mahal IDR 50.000 dari harga aslinya 3500 yen.

Btw, selama gw ambil foto, ada sedikit kesalahan kecil yang sebenernya kesalahan bolot nan fatal. Ada yang sadar ga ya? Sebenernya salahnya itu karena gw udah bongkar boksnya, naro asal, baru dibuka lagi buat foto-foto XDDDD

Ok, langsung tengok Shiki aja ^^

 Sudahkah ada yang sadar apa yang salah? XD

 Bagian-bagian Nendoroid Shiki

Shiki berpose di depan boksnya ^^

Terus terang, awalnya gw kaget ada Nendoroid ini. Nendoroid kan action figure bentuk chibi, biasanya karakternya jadi imut. Shiki jadi imut? >.<

Balik ke Nendo-nya. Secara keseluruhan cat-nya ok, rapi dan detail, bagian mata Shiki yang Eye of Death Perception juga mantep. Sampe bagian retsleting aja dicat perak. Detailnya juga ok di bagian lipitan baju. Untuk aksesorisnya, ya standard lah buat Nendoroid, ga terlalu banyak dan ga terlalu sedikit. Ada pisau mini juga. Oiya, yang bikin imut ada bagian rambut dengan neko mimi dan face plate yang diambil dari salah satu ilustrasi (dari komik atau novel kalo gw ga salah). Tapi buat masang rambut satu lagi agak ditekan dikit, biar pas =P

Yang agak ribet itu stand-nya. Pas pertama kali coba, Shiki gagal berdiri di stand-nya sendiri. Base stand buat Shiki menurut gw ga gitu imbang, jadinya agak susak buat nempatin Shiki di sana. Minus-nya lagi, bagian pinggang itu bisa dicopot, dan sayangnya bagian di sana kendor. Kalo mau ganti muka, sering banget pinggangnya ikutan lepas. Selain 2 masalah ini, selebihnya bagus kok ^^

Ini dia, Nendoroid Ryougi Shiki!

 Shiki dengan neko mimi, imut kan? XD

 Ups, kayaknya Shiki sadar apa yang salah dengan dia T_T

 Shiki >.<

 Waktu gw bilang Nendoroid ini detail banget, yap, gw ga bohong.
Sangat detail sampe ke bagian terdalam XD

 Don't be angry, Shiki. I'm just kidding, ok? Lower your knife please T_T

 Ada kuro neko!

Kepala kuro neko ada joint ball-nya, jadi bisa diputer sampe 360 derajat!

Nah, ada yang nyadar di mana salahnya? Kalo belum, salahnya ada di bagian rok! Kan tdai gw udah kasih tau kalo sebelumnya boksnya udah gw buka. Saking pinggangnya copot, gw masang ga liat-liat lagi, jadinya roknya terbalik depan belakang! >.<
Harusnya begini:

Nah, itu bagian depan kimono-nya yang bener ^^;

Nah, gw akuin ini salah satu figur yang bikin gw puas banget, ga nyesel belinya. IDR 400.000 menurut gw harga yang sebanding buat bawa pulang Shiki ke rumah ^^
Cat, detail, aksesoris, semua ok. Minus di stand, tapi gpp, lama-lama biasa juga sama stand-nya kok ^^
Boksnya juga ok, ada bunga-bunga kecil sebagai latar XD
Sayang gw beli ini BIB alias Back in Box. Artinya, udah pernah dibuka sebelumnya. Segelnya udah ga ada dan plastik penutup bodi cuma ada di bagian bodi Nendo. Tapi kondisinya bagus kok, masih boleh dibilang baru meski boksnya agak penyok, maklum stok terakhir nih.

Dari segi pose dan face plate, gw juga puas banget, apalagi ternyata face plate Shiki lumayan kompatibel sama BRS dan Luka. Sebelumnya gw beli Sebbie, dan ga pas sama 2 Nendo gw yang terdahulu T_T

Sekian post (atau review?) gw soal Nendoroid 84: Ryougi Shiki dari Kara no Kyoukai ^^

figma Kagamine Rin/Len!

Akhirnya, kemarin paket berisi figma Kagamine Rin/Len dan Nendoroid Ryougi Shiki tiba juga di rumah gw! ^^
Kali ini nyampenya beres, lagi itu pas beli Nendoroid Luka, nyampenya malah mendarat dulu di rumah sebelah T_T

Penampakan pas dateng

Welcome home! ^^

Btw, karena gw ambil fotonya kepisah, kali ini gw bahas soal si kembar kuning dulu aja ya ^^; (btw, gw cuma pake kamera hp-nya Onyet, maklum kalo gambarnya ga yahud)
Mari kita tengok boksnya.....

figma 19 & 20: Kagamine Rin & Len

 Bagian dalam boks

Sedikit instruksi untuk masang alat musik Len

Nah, gw akuin kalo kali ini Good Smile Company n Max Factory ga adil sama sekali. Liat kan boksnya yang minimalis plus minim aksesoris pula? Face plate juga cuma dikasih 2, 1 udah terpasang. Selebihnya ya kayak figma lainnya, figma stand, figma bag, dan 8 tangan buat gonta-ganti. Tapi tangan ekstranya Len dilebihin 1, jadi 9. Padahal harga yang dipatok sama kayak harga figma rata-rata: 2800 yen satunya. Bandingin aja sama figma Miku, harga sama tapi Miku masih dapet daun bawang sebagai character item-nya.

Nah, gw juga ambil beberapa foto Rin:

Gw akuin, ga banyak ambil foto karena lagi rada males n ga ada kamera yahud, gomenne..... m(_ _)m
Btw, balik ke figma. Secara keseluruhan sih ok. Stand-nya ga susah buat ditancepin, Rin juga bisa pose ini-itu, intinya stabil dah, bisa berdiri tanpa bantuan stand juga. Tapi tentu aja kalo ada stand berdirinya lebih pakem, tapi tanpa stand posenya bisa lebih variatif
Keseluruhan bodi tentu aja dari PVC. beberapa bagian kayak dasi dan baju bagian belakang dari soft PVC. figma hole-nya ketutup sama bagian baju dari soft PVC ini. Bagian depan juga berasa lembut.

Jeleknya, cat buat si kembar ga gitu ok menurut gw. Ada scratch di bagian kepala, finishing headphone juga ga gitu rapi. Secara keseluruhan masih ok, tapi begitu diperhatiin bener-bener, agak kacau di bagian cat. Len juga sama, ga rapi di bagian cat.

Nah, foto-foto Len lebih dikit, ntar gw jelasin kenapa...

Foto yang ini ga gw pasang ke stand loh ^^

Sama kayak Rin, Len juga rada jelek di bagian cat. Yang bagus malah cat bagian alat muskinya. Detail alat musiknya ok banget. Btw, kalo diperhatiin warna baju Rin n Len rada beda. Warna baju Rin lebih abu-abu, kalo Len item. Gw ga tau kenapa bisa dibedain begini, seinget gw ilustrasi dari KEI, warna bajunya sih sama. Yang sama kayak Rin lagi, bagian dasi n belakang baju pake soft PVC, bagian baju Len juga kayaknya dari soft PVC, karena pas gw pegang rasanya empuk.

Alasan kenapa gw ga ambil gambar Len yang banyak ada 2. Satu, Len entah kenapa lebih susah buat dipasang ke stand. Gw kesulitan buat pasang stand ke figma hole di punggungnya, alot banget dah. Entah tangan gw yang gembel atau apa. Terus, buat masang alat musiknya juga butuh perjuangan. Alat musiknya kan dikasih semacem tali elastis, tapi lubang buat nancepinnya kecil banget, butuh kesabaran buat itu. Makanya abis kepasang, ga gw lepas lagi. Kedua, rambutnya Len itu tajemnya amit-amitan, gw (lagi-lagi) kesulitan ganti face plate-nya, harus pelan-pelan n ati-ati, awas ketusuk rambut T_T

Nah, ini 2 foto lainnya =P

Vocaloid group. Sabar ya, Miku-nya nanti ^^; (itu pun Miku yang Append, bukan yang biasa T_T)

Nah, kesimpulannya, figma Rin/Len bisa dibilang lumayan ok, minus di bagian cat, finishing, dan minim aksesoris. Khusus buat Len, minus di ketajaman rambut. Kalo buat pose jelas mereka menang dari Luka karena pake celana n itu berarti lebih bebas gerak =P
Soal puas ga puas, balik lagi ke masing-masing orang sih. Buat maniak Kagamine Rin/Len macem gw, tentu aja puas-puas aja sama figma ini meski gw akuin gw beli kemahalan. Harga retail-nya 2800 yen (sekitar IDR 280.000 ~ IDR 300.000) tapi gw beli IDR 450.000 untuk satunya. Tapi berhubung udah suka ya apa boleh buat. Tadinya gw mau beli Rin aja, tapi ga tega kalo harus misahin mereka berdua ^^;

Ok, sekian bahasan gw soal figma Kagamine Twins! ^^

PS: harus rada ekstra hati-hati pas main sama Len, sekedar update, pas gw mainin bagian pahanya copot. Beneran, copot. Gw sempet panik, tapi untungnya gw masih bisa masang itu lagi T_T

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The (Pathetic) Collectors List of Mine

Well, lately I'm addicted with Nendoroid (and figma). So when I visited Nendonesia, a site for Nendoroid fans of Indonesia (I like the name, btw) I saw this collectors list, downloaded it and already changed it so it can show my desire for Nendoroid. I admit that this list isn't new and it's not a complete list since there's always new Nendoroid being released by Good Smile Company. But it's still a good list =)

So here's my list:

If you wanna have this list, just click the link that I already wrote up there ^^
By the way, this list was inspired by a figma list (my figma list is more pathetic orz). Click here to find the figma list and have fun with it ^^

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I'm Sure Japan Will Recover Soon

Yak, seperti yang udah jadi berita, Jepang kemarin, Jumat, 11 Maret 2011 kembali dilanda gempa. Kali ini gempanya termasuk yang paling gede sejak 10-20 tahun terakhir, ga tanggung-tanggung, 8.9 SR plus tsunami. Berhubung gempanya berpusat di Honshu, otomatis daerah Tokyo, Sendai, dan Chiba kena efeknya juga. Gw sendiri baru pertama kali tau berita ini pas buka Twitter kemarin. Yang gw dapet dari Twitter, JR udah pada ga bisa gerak, kapal-kapal di pelabuhan Sendai kebakaran, ada juga yang bilang bagian atas Tokyo Tower agak rusak (katanya bengkok).

Gw juga udah denger dan nonton berita, daerah-daerah macem Prefektur Aomori udah kena tsunami dan infrastruktur pada ancur. Buat yang ga dilanda tsunami, rumah-rumah pada rusak, tapi masih berdiri (konstruksi Jepang hebat, ya?).

Sebagai otaku, gw turut sedih, kasian juga yang meninggal, yang gw denger kebanyakan yang meninggal itu yang lansia dan ga bisa cepet-cepet lari. Turut berduka cita buat para korban. Oiya, terus terang aja, gw mengkhawatirkan kelanjutan dari anime dan manga serta action figure di sono. Gw juga kaget ada bencana mendadak begini, apalagi tanggal 9 Maret kemarin baru aja ada konser Hatsune Miku di Zepp Tokyo, semuanya tampak baik-baik aja, ga ada firasat buruk.

Tapi berhubung orang Jepang itu terkenal sama kerja kerasnya, gw yakin masalah begini bakalan cepet pulih. Gw yakin, para Nihonjin bakal cepet ambil tindakan buat negaranya dan mereka pasti bisa! Buktinya beberapa kali gempa besar Jepang tetep bisa tuh ngelewatinnya dan kali ini juga pasti bisa, apalagi jaman udah makin canggih >.<

Ja, ganbatte, Nihon!!!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Visit This Blog!!!

Mengertikah mengapa gw bikin post ini? XD

Yup, gw mau promosi blog-nya Westly, temen deket gw dari SMP. Sekarang dia sekolah di SMA St. Thomas Aquino, Tangerang. Begini-begini dia ambil jurusan IPA loh, sebenernya dia maunya ambil bahasa, cuma di sekolahnya ga ada (kita senasip -_-").

Oiya, gw pribadi suka desain blognya, sederhana tapi enak diliat XD
Buat yang doyan nonton film barat, silakan kunjungi aja blognya, di sini. Ini orang satu juga penggemar berat Kate Bosworth, yang sama-sama nge-fans bisa kenalan langsung XDDDD

Oiya, berhubung blognya masih baru banget, jadi masih banyak kurang sana-sini. Mohon dimaklumi ya, ntar juga pasti diisi sama dia, tunggu aja XDDDD
Kalo mau lebih tau soal orangnya, klik di sini ^^

Hatsune Miku Live Party (Mikupa) 2011 Review

Yeah, finally yesterday was Mikupa 2011 Live in Tokyo! \\(^O^)//
Of course I couldn't watch it because there's no way in hell I could go to Japan myself! But I already watched some video streaming from YouTube. Pretty fast, isn't it? The concert was yesterday but the videos are already in YouTube!

Well, this year's concert was awesome, just like last year. What makes me more excited is they gave more portion to Kagamine Twins. But of course, Miku still dominated this concert. But I'm disappointed because they only gave Luka a very small portion. They didn't even make any costume for her, so in this concert, Luka stuck with her original outfit. It makes me kinda sad since I'm a fan of Luka and I hope she could get bigger chance next year.

Here's the costumes:

See? Miku dominated it. Personally, I like Rin's Iroha Uta costumes. Len's outfit for Aku no Meshitsukai is awesome, too. But I'm kinda disappointed because Rin didn't wear gown when performing Aku no Musume (well and her hair looks more like meltdown -Hard R.K mix- instead!). And poor Luka, she didn't have any costumes T_T

Rin when performing Iroha Uta

Well, do you see any difference from last year's concert? Yup, this year they used black screen as background while in last year's concert, they used transparent screen. Black screen wasn't bad, but I prefer transparent screen because I personally think transparent screen gives a more realistic view.

And perhaps some of you have heard that many people were disappointed with this concert. Most of them said that this year's concert 3D model wasn't as great as last year's. As you all might already know, this year SEGA didn't make those 3D model, 5pb was the company who did. 5pb is a small company compare to SEGA and 5pb doesn't own the glass projector which SEGA used last year. So instead using the (expensive) glass projector, they used those black screen. Well, from what I have read, 3D model from SEGA gave a more realistic view and movement, but from some angles, this 3D model was hard to see. 5pb's 3D model looked kinda flat from some angle (well, although it's 3D model, it was actually manual black screen so we can say that it was 2D), but it can be seen easily by the crowd. I wish they could combine this technology NEXT YEAR XD

And many people also complained about the 30 minutes break, and they even gave some commercial, which was kinda annoying. It is said in 5pb's Twitter that the 30 minutes break was caused by some technical problems. Still, there were some improvements in this year. For example, they gave more portion to Kagamine Twins. especially Len. And they also added some emotion in the concert (for example when Miku did the fans greeting, and she even cried in front of the crowd before singing Hajimete no Koi ga Owaru Toki). But I admit that I'm still disappointed they didn't give Luka more portion. And I personally think that the new 3D model's eyes wee better because I see some "life" in them. It's just more realistic and alive. I like it.

And finally, here's the song list. You can click the link to watch the video in YouTube. But I'm sorry I haven't found all the video yet. Thanks for the uploader, and I also wanna say thanks to Shashie-senpai for posting this on her blog ^^

MikuPa 2011 Set List:

Opening Act, ft. Aizawa Mai and BuzzG

Vocaloid Songs
6. Popipo ft. Hatsune Miku
7. Torinoko City ft. Hatsune Miku
8. Catfood ft. Hatsune Miku
9. Disruptive Diva (崩壊歌姫) ft. Hatsune Miku
10. Shiroi Yuki no Princess wa… ft. Hatsune Miku
-End medley-

11. World’s End Dancehall ft. Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka

-Luka's solo appearance, medley style as usual-
12. Double Lariat ft. Megurine Luka
13. No Logic ft. Megurine Luka
14. RIP=RELEASE ft. Megurine Luka
15. Japanese Ninja #1 ft. Megurine Luka
16. Luka Luka Night Fever ft. Megurine Luka
-End Luka medley-

17. Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro  ft. Hatsune Miku
18. Rolling Girl ft. Hatsune Miku

-Intermission of DOOOOM!!!-

-Kagamine Twins' appearance-
24. Kokoro ft. Kagamine Rin
25. Melancholic ft. Kagamine Rin
26. Rin Rin Signal ft. Kagamine Rin
27. SPICE! ft. Kagamine Len
28. Fire◎Flower ft. Kagamine Len

29. Packaged ft. Hatsune Miku,
30. *HELLO, PLANET. ft. Hatsune Miku
31. Marginal ft. Hatsune Miku
32. Hatsune Miku no Gekishou ft. Hatsune Miku

-Miku greeted the crowd again-
33. Uta ni Katachi wa Nai Keredo ft. Hatsune Miku
34. Yellow ft. Hatsune Miku
35. Time Machine ft. Hatsune Miku
36. ARiA ft. Hatsune Miku

-Miku winked to the crowd and disappeared-

-Miku and Rin appeared again wearing their Project Diva 2nd costumes and sang these songs-
37. Colorful x Melody ft. Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Rin
38. Melt ft. Hatsune Miku

-Miku appeared again, she tried to sing but she was overcome by her emotion but the crowd helped her-
39. Hajimete no Koi ga Owaru Toki ft. Hatsune Miku

-Miku said goodbye, end of concert-

By the way, look what they gave you if you bought the concert ticket!

Sakura Miku action figure! I want one too!

Yup, those who attended the concert are very lucky, aren't they? This charm is getting more popular in Japan. If you wanna have this on your hands, you can get it from Yahoo! Auction Japan, the price is between 4000 yen to 24000 yen! So expensive, right? T_T

And they even sold some figurines in the concert! Here's the booth:

Er... I don't see Nendoroid Rin/Len there T_T

And for more review, you can view another review in Vocaloidism ^^

100th figma Hatsune Miku: Append ver.

Yeah, finally 100th figma! >.<
And it's Hatsune Miku Append! Personally, I like this figure, especially the mature face plate for Miku Append and her green hair ^^

Here's some info about this figma ^^
  • Product Name: figma Miku Hatsune: Append ver. (ふぃぐま はつねみく あぺんど ver.)
  • Series: Miku Hatsune: Append
  • Manufacturer: Max Factory
  • Category: figma
  • Price: 3000円 (including tax)
  • Release Date: 2011/08
  • Specifications: Painted ABS&PVC non-scale posable figure with stand included, approxmately 135mm in height
  • Sculptor: Max Factory, Masaki Asai
  • Released by: Max Factory
  • Distributed by: Good Smile Company
As far as I know, Good Smile Company already open the Pre-order for this figma yesterday (Wednesday, 09 March 2011). And actually I already got PO from rendoroid shoppe ^^

Well, as you already know, the retail price is 3000 yen, and I'll buy it for IDR 320.000 or about 3200 yen, it's quite cheap compare to Nendoroid Hatsune Miku which can cost more than IDR 1.000.000 nowadays due to her rarity T.T

So now, I should say "Hello" to figma Hatsune Miku: Append ver. and say "Hello" to.... financial problems.... T_T
Although this figma will be released in August 2011, I still have to collect my money ORZ

For more info and photos, click here ^^
And here's note from Max Factory in facebook (in Japanese) ^^

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Vocaloid Sings In Indonesian

Vocaloids sing Indonesian? XD
Yup, I found this at YouTube and I really appreciate the hard work from all composers. Most of them use Japanese Vocaloids such as Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Len, Kagamine Rin, and even Gakupo!

Some songs really make me proud as an Indonesian, and some of them make me laugh so hard XDDDD
Well. enjoy....

This is my favorite one!!!

And this one made me laugh so hard when I first saw it, the second time made me felt so sad due some earthquakes which happened in Indonesia....

These are some videos from Musatori-P, he's my former Japanese teacher in LBI UI XD

If you wanna hear and watch more, do visit Musatori-P's YouTube Channel!!! ^^
I also like anitalucius' work, do visit those work in anitalucius's YouTube Channel!! ^^
You can also view another videos from the related videos ^^

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Megurine Luka - DYE

Gw tau ini lagu udah agak lama dan video aslinya udah ga ada di NND karena lagu ini diplagiat sama (gw lupa namanya) seseorang yang menyodorkan lagu ke KAT-TUN. Saking kaget sama kasus ini, AVTechNO! selaku empunya lagu sampe ngapus semua video dia di NND dan sekarang dia lagi hiatus.
Gw sendiri baru tertarik denger lagu ini gara-gara kasus tadi (padahal donlot udah lama), lama-lama gw denger gw malah jadi suka sama lagu ajeb-ajeb ini, n kebetulan gw juga suka artinya =P

Yang gw dapet dari NND ini doang XP


Vocal: Megurine Luka
Composer: AVTechNO!

To what color am I dyed?
The size of the dyed thing changes because of the difference of the dyed color.
I can grow up if it dyes to good people color.
I want to dye me to such a color.
To what color am I dyed?
The color to be dyed changes under the influence of the private life.
I degenerate if it dyes to villain color.
The color for which I hope is a color with high brightness.

I want to become beautiful mind.
I want to become it.

I obtain the conscience.
And, becomes a luminous color.
There are a lot of black and white in the private life.
My color shines by "Affection" and "Esteem" and "Kindness"
and "Looking after" and "Nursing" and "Protection" and "Consideration"
and "Respect" and "Solicitude" and "Encouragement" and "Friendship", etc.
I want to choose color that is brighter than the dark color.
If the surrounding is a dark color, I look large.
If the surrounding is a luminous color, my existence might be thin.

The luminous color improves the environment.
The luminous color shines on the dark.
However, the luminous color shines only in a dark place.
Still, I do not care.
My existence disappears if it winks out.
I can become energetic by shining on surroundings.
When I become tired and do not shine.
The source of "Vigour" can be gotten from "Good man color".
The color for which other people hope to me.
It is different from the color for which I hope.
However, if it is an earth friendly color, I like the "Color that other people like".
A dark color in the interior of the spirit is also as the case may be necessary.
Both necessary dark colors and bright colors.
I want to dye me moderately.

It is possible to change greatly in
"Thing that becomes a luminous color from a dark color"
even if my existence is small.
Now will grow in the future even if it is small.

Itsudatte watashi wa imayori motto motomete itai
Tatoe "sore" ga watashi no saikou no "original" dato shitemo

To what color am I dyed?
The size of the dyed thing changes because of the difference of the dyed color.
I can grow up if it dyes to good people color.
I want to dye me to such a color.
To what color am I dyed?
The color to be dyed changes under the influence of the private life.
I degenerate if it dyes to villain color.
The color for which I hope is a color with high brightness.

I want to become beautiful mind.
I want to become it.