
Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Synchronicity Part 3 IN Progress!

Remember that I said Synchronicity Part 3 in progress is perhaps a rumor? Nope, IT'S NOT! It's A REAL news! \\(^O^)//
I've visited Hitoshizuku's blog, and I searched for that info. I found those sentences that I've posted  ^^
Still don't believe me? Here's the print screne:

シンクロ は じっくり 作っ て おります ので, もう しばし お待ち を ~ ^ w ^ b
We create Synchronicity carefully, wait a little ^ w ^ b
3 シンクロ の 章 は, 現在 制作 中 です ので, いま しばらく お待ち を ^ ^ w
Chapter 3 of Synchronicity is being produced, we must now wait a little while ^ w ^

Now all we gotta do is WAITING!!! >///<


  1. wow, makasiiiih bangeeet!! aku kira synchronicity hanya sampai 2 ep karena orang-orang pada blg kalo mothyP ngebatalin buat ep 3... domo arigato Stella-san~ m(^u^)m

  2. Itu cuma gosip kok ^^

    Oiya, ralat sedikit ya... Yang ngarang Hitoshizuku loh, bukan mothy ^^

  3. bagus deh kalo gitu... penasaran abisnya ceritanya ngegantung...

    ah salah ya? kukira mothy loooh... gomen~ (^///^)v

  4. Sabar nunggu aja XD

    mothy paling terkenal sih, gara-gara Aku no Monogatari-nya XD

  5. iya aku tau tuh aku no monogatari (^u^)

    tapi aku cari di youtube ga ada pv originalnya... kebanyakan fanmade... itu memang karena yg ori belom diliris ato aku yang ga bener nyarinya?

  6. Ada kok yang original ^^
    Original-nya dirilis di NND dulu, baru ada fans yang post di YouTube ^^

  7. oh oke deh... arigato~ (^u^)v
