
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer Wonder Festival 2011

Finally, Summer Wonfes is here! And as usual, there will be bunch of new figurine on the display and I'm pretty sure they can make a big hole through my wallet T_T

Here's some interesting figurines I have spotted! Big thanks to Lapak Figure Minna to post this ^^

 figma BRS Game Ver.

 1/8 Scale Miku: Love is War

 Nendoroid Meiko

Nendoroid Miku: Append Ver.

Of course there's many figurines other than I uploaded, but you know, Vocaloid and BRS are all I care. I also saw scale figures of Izaya and Celty from Durarara!!, but seems like they're not from GSC. I also spottes Lelouch too! ^^

Back to those figures. First, BRS Game Ver., I'm sure all of you already know her since her prototype has been spotted not so long ago. I'm so hoping that GSC won't bundle her along with the game! Then 1/8 Scale Miku Love is War. Hm... I'm sure it's not a new announced figure. I'm pretty sure GSC has displayed her since last year Wonfes. Since GSC also display her this time, looks like she'll be out for order soon. By the way, seems like they changed this figure a bit, like adding some pattern on the megaphone and I feel like her expression is also different from what I saw last year. Then, Nendoroid Meiko. Her face, hair, and body are still glossy, so maybe she's still a prototype and may have some improvements in the future. Next, Nendoroid Miku Append. I'm not very surprised that they'll make the Nendoroid since she already has a figma version. Like Meiko, she still looks glossy so I assume that she's still under construction. It's scheduled to be released on December 2011 ^^

Click here for more photos! ^^
And for more info about Wonfes Nendoroid, click here ^^


  1. Sori lama bales ^^;

    Setau gw sih belum ada yang buka PO, soalnya kan masih baru. Besok GSC baru buka PO untuk Nendo Meiko dulu, kayaknya harganya sekitar 3500 yen (~370rb). Yah, siap-siap dompet aja T__T
